Thursday, November 22, 2012

WHAT"S INSIDE................?

Could it be a new treat?

Could it be something nice that you would love to have?

Because our lady Nannah, is evolving, as all trendy modern young women of today. She is in a brand new stage in her life, like Spring-time if you will......and to stay in step with her new attitude, her new charisma and zest for life, she decided to be called from now on.....

Nannah Joy......! (crowd goes wild!)

So, she is inviting you, to enjoy a Nannah Joy with her!

She will speak again! This time, more often, and always with Joy! Because Joy is the core of who lady Nannah Joy is......handbags full of joy for everyone! She is thrilled to share her joy with you dear lady.

So, what is inside???? Pockets and pockets full of Joy!!!! And, just for fun, she wants to give you a lovely headband or bracelet when you purchase one of these gorgeous summer Basic Bags, as shown above.

As always, you can choose the color combination of your choice and that suits your style.

As long as you wear it with a smile!


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